

Python web development in the era of Javascript is awkward. Bower makes life easy for frontend applications, but what if you want to bundle your frontend with a Python package? What if you want to be able to manage client-side dependencies without requiring the entire node stack? What if you could install Python packages like this, without man-handling your requirements file?

pip install flask --save

Now you can.


# Install Flask as a Python package, save to requirements.yml
$ hydrogen install flask --save
# Install IPython as a Python package as a development dependency
$ hydrogen install ipython --save-dev
# Install Bootstrap as a bower package
$ hydrogen install bootstrap --bower --save
# Show requirements listed in requirements.yml
$ hydrogen freeze


This project uses code (currently, only the werkzeug.utils.secure_filename function) written by the Werkzeug team, which is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.